Case in point - this year's medical exam included a picture of how to take a poo sample, as per a drawing of an adorable brown blob (let's call him Mr Poopy) riding a toilet backwards as he excreted his own fecal matter.
You think I kid! You are the lucky ones.
But the point I was trying to make was that ANYTHING is fair game when graphics are concerned here - either as subject matter or medium. So I really shouldn't have been surprised when a gang of motorists cruised down the highway in cars painted in.... anime figures!
...apparently this is a thing here. In fact, cars painted with really embarrassing painted emblems and doe-eyed cartoon girls are called 'ita-shya' - the kanji for which is 痛車; literally, 'painful car'. Check it out, it's got it's own wikipedia article! This hobby is bordering on legitimate!
So anyways, while most cars driving down the streets are normal and boring, every now and then I'll see a car decorated up the wazoo and will, like a crazy woman, try to chase it down, cell phone camera out. Here are the fruits of about a year of lucky shots! (note, some were inside a car dealership - Toyota was having a 'Full Metal Alchemist' tie-in.)
Better Pikachu than Mr. Poopy!
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